Lettering for Love Project

When the Covid-19 crisis hit and small businesses around Reading were forced to close their doors — my heart tore straight down the middle.

I couldn't sit back and idly watch the backbone of our community suffer. I had to do something — anything.

Lettering for Love was my way of giving back to a community that has supported me for so long – and that continues to do so. Doing complementary lettering installments with inspirational messages on windows around our town was a simple way I could spread love, cheer and joy.

To nominate a local brand or business for our next Lettering for Love surprise, please complete and submit the form below.

We regularly read through nominations and pick as many nominees as possible to give back to.

Dom's Kindness Project

When my kids ask me what’s going on in the world they live in, it breaks my heart trying to find the words to describe it to them while protecting their little minds. I don’t have all the right answers, I wish I knew the perfect solution. But there is one thing I know I can do, and that is to raise them right. Teach them how to be respectful. To love with an open heart. To work hard and stay humble. To be kind, always.

I can help by raising the next generation to be better and do better than what they are witnessing so young.

My son Dom is a budding artist, enrolled in pottery, art and dance class. He expresses his good heart in the form of art and I love him for that! When he painted this special painting for his Uncle and asked to sell it on my website, to be like his Mom😭 I agreed, and he agreed to donate the money raised to give back to a special place I had in mind.

... Cue My Proud Mom Moment

The Boys & Girls Club of America believes all kids deserve a safe, fun and supportive community. They work to actively nurture, value and inspire young people while helping them build usable skills, enhance self-esteem and promote a culture of high expectations.

Something I think we all can agree is so, so needed.

Proceeds from this collection proudly go directly to Boys & Girls Club of America.

And remember, in a world where you can be anything be kind.